Referral Criteria
At ENA consulting, we predominantly offer support to parents and carers to help them to develop strategies that can improve their family's quality of life. However, we are very keen to involve the young person as much as possible in the work to ensure that the strategies we are suggesting will be both motivating and helpful for the young person.
We have developed some criteria to help people to know whether they would be appropriate for our service.
These include:
The child being of primary school aged children (aged four to eleven)
Any behaviours that are displayed present as a low risk. This means that the presenting behaviours are not posing a serious risk to others (see below for a further breakdown of this)
There are no current high risk safeguarding concerns, nor any other complex family situations that may impact the family's abilities to implement the work
Although our team specialises in nuerodiversity, a diagnosis is not necessary for you to meet our criteria. If you wish to discuss your young person further, please get in touch and arrange a free 20 minute consultation.
Unfortunately at this time, we are unable to work with young people that attend a school in Hertfordshire or West Essex due to a conflict of interest with my other employer. However, I would be more than happy to provide signposting support if you wish to contact me further.
Examples of risk that is currently accepted by
ENA Behaviour Consultancy
Low risk
and therefore likely to be accepted for support
Behaviours directed towards self or others that do not pose a severe risk e.g. may cause some redness, swelling. bruising etc however do not require any medical assistance
Difficulties with changes of routines or transitions
Mild to moderate anxiety towards every-day life such as a reluctance to leave the house or attend certain activities
Sleep challenges that may include difficulty going to bed, or getting up during the night.
High risk
and therefore unlikely to be accepted for support
Suicidal thoughts or behaviours
Extremely dangerous running away behaviours (that have led to the police being called for example)
Behaviours towards self or others that require hospital treatment or medical assistance
Sexualised behaviours
Currently receiving support from another agency (such as CAMHS, a private counsellor etc.)
Current safeguarding concerns around the young person
If you have any questions or require any further clarification regarding our criteria, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss this further.